Entusiasta de les tecnologies digitals
- Serious Games
- Virtual Rehabilitation
- Visualization
- Illustrative Visualization
- Modelization
- Bio-CAD
- Classification
Illustrative Visualization
P. Abellan, S. Grau, D. Tost i A. Puig
Region-based illustrative visualization of multimodal datasets.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 37, pp. 263–271.
S. Moya, S. Grau i D. Tost
The Wise Cursor: assisted selection in 3D Serious Games.
The Visual Computer Journal, 29, pp. 795-804.
S. Grau, A. Puig, S. Escalera i M. Salamó
Intelligent Interactive Volume Classification.
The 21st Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 23-28.
S. Grau, A. Puig, S. Escalera, M. Salamó i O. Amoros
Efficient complementary viewpoint selection in volume rendering.
International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, pp. 69-78.
S. Moya, S. Grau, D. Tost
Assisted navigation for 3D serious games training.
XIV Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (Interacción 2013), pp. 3-10.
S. Moya, S. Grau i D. Tost
Interactive graphical design of 3D serious neurorehabilitation games.
Presence – Teleoperators and virtual environaments, 21, pp. 58-68.
D. Tost, S. Grau i S. Moya
Personalization of virtual environaments navigation and tasks for neurorehabilitation.
Virtual reality and environaments, pp. 135-150.
E. Vergés, D. Tost, D. Ayala, E. Ramos i S. Grau
3D Pore analysis of sedimentary rocks.
Sedimentary geology, 234, pp. 109-115.
S. Moya, S. Grau, D. Tost, R. Campeny i M. Ruiz
Animation of 3D avatars for rehabilitation of upper limbs.
Third International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, pp. 168-171.
Illustrative Visualization
S. Grau, E. Vergés, D. Tost i D. Ayala
Exploration of porous structures with illustrative visualization.
Computer and Graphics, 34, pp. 398-408.
S. Grau i D. Tost
Temporal run-length encoding: temporal coherence in rendering time-varying volume data
Editorial VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, pp. 1-154.
S. Grau, D. Tost, R. Campeny, S. Moya i M. Ruiz
Design of 3D Virtual Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Activities.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference in Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, pp. 109-116.
Illustrative Visualization
S. Grau, A. Puig
An adaptive cutaway with volume context preservation.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5876, pp. 847-856.
D. Tost, M. Ferré, P. García, J. Tormos, A. García, S. Grau
PREVIRNEC: a cognitive telerehabilitation system based on Virtual Environments.
IEEE Virtual Rehabilitation 2009 International Conference, pp. 87-93.
Illustrative Visualization
S. Grau, E. Vergés, D. Tost i D. Ayala
Illustrative visualization of porous structures
Proceeding of IV Iberoamerican Symposium in Computer Graphics, pp. 81-87.
E. Vergés, D. Ayala, S. Grau i D. Tost
3D reconstruction and quantification of porous structures.
Computer and Graphics, 32, pp. 438-444.
E. Vergés, D. Ayala, S. Grau i D. Tost
Virtual Porosimeter.
Computer-aided design and Applications, 5, pp. 557-564.
S. Grau i D. Tost
Frame-to-frame coherent GPU splatting.
IADIS International conference on computer graphics and visualization, pp. 27-35.
P. Abellán, S. Grau i D. Tost
Time-varying multimodal volume rendering with 3d textures.
GRAPP 2008: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pp. 223-230.
E. Vergés, D. Ayala, S. Grau i D. Tost
Bio-CAD analysis of porosity bioimplants
Proceedings 6th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ESBME), pp. 27-31.
S. Grau i D. Tost
Image-space sheet-buffered splatting on the GPU.
IADIS International journal on computer science and information Systems, pp. 141-150.
E. Vergés, D. Ayala, S. Grau i D. Tost
3D reconstrucction of bone implants porous space.
XXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, pp. 1-5.
S. Grau i D. Tost
Frame-to-frame coherent GPU ray-casting for time-varying volume data.
Volume Modelling and Visualization (VMV) 2007, pp. 61-70.
E. Vergés, D. Ayala, S. Grau i D. Tost
3D reconstruction and quantification of porous structures.
XVII Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica, pp. 179-186.
S. Grau i D. Tost
Image-space Sheet-Buffered Splatting on the GPU.
IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2007, pp. 638-645.
E. Vergés, D. Ayala, S. Grau i D. Tost
3D reconstruction of bone implant poreous space.
CASEIB 2006 - XXIV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española Ingeniería Biomédica, pp. 77-80.
M. Freixas, S. Grau i D. Silva
Boolean operation in open-source blender project.
SIACG 2006 : Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics, pp. 159-167.
E. Vergés, S. Grau i D. Tost
Hardware and software improvements of volume splatting.
SIACG 2006 : Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics, pp. 1-4.
D. Tost, S. Grau, M. Ferré i A. Puig
Ray-casting time-varying volume data sets with frame-to-frame coherence.
Visualization and Data Analysis 2006, 16-17, pp. 1-12.
J. Rodriguez, D. Ayala, S. Grau
Volume EVM: A new approach for surface/volume integration.
Computer and Graphics, 29, pp. 217-224.